Our Story


Hey there!

My name is Crimson and I am a Betta fish. I want to tell you about my human’s project “Wild Pets World”, a small family owned business located in Cracow, Poland.

The story dates back to when my human Edwin was only a child. Since then he has always loved taking care of pets. Back home, in Colombia, he used to keep other fishes, turtles, iguanas, dogs, birds… you name it! Then after moving to Poland in 2015 and far away from his beloved pets, he said to himself that one day he would take care of another pet again and he did!

One day around May 2019 Edwin entered a local pet store just curious about what he could find there and guess what? He didn’t think it twice and just brought home a brand-new 5g fish tank where he had a beautiful Bristlenose Pleco named Corroncho (name commonly given to this species in LatinAmerica). Unfortunately, Edwin wasn’t so lucky and Corroncho passed away after fighting a sickness called ick.

He was devastated but also, he felt the need to start over, to do all the necessary research about this sickness and setup a new tank. During this time, Edwin was only building and Aquascaping his tanks for his own enjoyment.Two months later, he and his human brother Sergio, who is today in charge of the Marketing, came up with a great idea: Why not sharing Edwin’s journey and passion with the rest of aquarium-and-pet lovers that use Instagram around the world?

They needed a name for the project and after doing several brainstorms they decided to name it Fighting Fish World. They thought it was a great name since Edwin’s favorite fish species is the Betta fish A.K.A the Fighting fish, that’s why I’m the one telling the story!

Nowadays, he not only takes care of 3 fish tanks where many species of fish and inverts live together such as freshwater shrimps, snails and Bettas, but also of a terrarium where his gorgeous tangerine Leopard Gecko called Mango, lives.

Now in 2020, after realizing that my human’s passion for pets won’t stop at sharing his love only with his beloved fish and gecko, they decided the project had to evolve into one that could include all kinds of animals. So, after struggling again with finding a new name for their amazing project they finally came up with Wild Pets World. A project that not only focuses on Edwin’s beloved pets but also on our planet Earth and all the living beings that live in it.

Their purpose has also evolved. Wild Pets World is not only about sharing Edwin’s journey but also about helping and teaching others who want to learn about how to properly setup and take care of fishes, geckos and any other pet that joins our family in the future as well as help our planet through donations to NGOs that strive hard to protect it.

Love your Pets and your heart will always be full!